"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life!"

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #24!!

“Christ Jesus is the reason for the season!”

 Why do we give gifts at Christmas time?

Let us first start with, “Who is St. Nicholas?” 
     “The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, who was born during the third century in the village of Patara. At the time the area was Greek and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He dedicated his life to serving God and was made Bishop of Myra while still a young man. Bishop Nicholas became known throughout the land for his generosity to those in need, his love for children, and his concern for sailors and ships. Through the centuries St. Nicholas has continued to be venerated by Catholics and Orthodox and honored by Protestants. By his example of generosity to those in need, especially children, St. Nicholas continues to be a model for the compassionate life. Widely celebrated in Europe, St. Nicholas' feast day, December 6th, kept alive the stories of his goodness and generosity. In Germany and Poland, boys dressed as bishops begged alms for the poor—and sometimes for themselves! In the Netherlands and Belgium, St. Nicholas arrived on a steamship from Spain to ride a white horse on his gift-giving rounds. December 6th is still the main day for gift giving and merrymaking in much of Europe. For example, in the Netherlands St. Nicholas is celebrated on the 5th, the eve of the day, by sharing candies (thrown in the door), chocolate initial letters, small gifts, and riddles. Dutch children leave carrots and hay in their shoes for the saint's horse, hoping St. Nicholas will exchange them for small gifts. Simple gift-giving in early Advent helps preserve a Christmas Day focus on the Christ Child.”

     As you have just read, St. Nicholas was very compassionate and giving. He surely did several intentional acts of kindness! The popular Santa Claus today began with St. Nicholas’ story. However, the real message of Christmas is not centered on the here and now Earthly material gifts! Gift giving at Christmas is to remind us of the greatest gift that God has given to us, His son Jesus Christ! The typical gift giving at Christmas is to those whom you love/care about, whom you see often or to someone who has given you a gift first. I do not think I know of someone who has given a gift to a person who has been talking behind their back or an angry neighbor etc. I bet it has happened though and that makes me happy because God gave us Jesus when we were His enemies. We did not and do not deserve God’s gift of Jesus (Romans 5:8). Jesus shows us so much about the giver! What love, sacrifice, mercy and grace from God!

*The act of kindness this week...show kindness by giving to someone who is not on your gift giving list to help spread the good news of the greatest gift we have ever received, Jesus!

  The gift does not need to be expensive, just something thoughtful and kind given to someone not expecting it! I am posting this blog kind of late in the Christmas season but what better day to give than on Christmas Eve or Christmas day?! There are several places that have to stay open on both days. 

*My experience with the act of kindness…The Christmas party at my church this year for the women was called “Christmas Cookie Exchange on a Mission”. Each lady brought three dozen cookies for a cookie exchange. The mission took place after you left the party by giving a bag of cookies and a card (shown in the collage above) to someone who you would not think about giving a gift too. Examples suggested were co-workers, neighbors, police officers, fire fighters, your hair dresser, your doctor or your mail carrier.  

     One of the people that I shared a bag of cookies and card with was my mail lady! I have been home several times when she has delivered our mail. Unfortunately my dog, Jack, likes to bark at her. If she sees me in the window calming him down, she always smiles and waves! I left her gift in the mailbox before work one morning, and it was gone when I returned home! A couple days later, my husband and I received a Christmas card from her thanking us for the goodies! It sure put a smile on my face! We all seem to be a little more in a hurry with full schedules during this season, but I cannot imagine how much more work U.S. postal service workers etc have this time of year. I pray that our mail lady did not only enjoy a surprise gift but also read the truthful words on the card about Christmas and saw the information about church service times on the back of the card!

     Christmas is a time to remember and focus on the birth of Jesus Christ who was born to set us free from sin and to bring salvation by His death! Christ’s life is truly a gift! Merry Christmas!!

Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

P.S. The next intentional act of kindness will involve printed greeting cards of any occasion. When you are out after Christmas shopping, please look for great deals on Christmas cards for this! The only restrictions are that no cards from Hallmark, Disney or American Greetings can be taken. 5″ x 7″ size or smaller is preferred. Thank you and stay tuned for "Act of Kindness - Week #25!!" in January 2015!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #23!!

"…It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

   The Christmas season is in full swing all around us! It is truly one of my favorite times of the year full of family traditions, giving, receiving and focusing on/proclaiming God’s greatest gift to us, Jesus!!

*The act of kindness this week...show kindness by giving to a child in need or to a child that is not expecting a gift from you this Christmas!!

  Below are some examples of organizations and ways to help give to a child this December. It makes me happy that it was not hard to find or think of these! I simply went onto local radio station’s websites and saw what organization they were supporting this Christmas!

91.1 WBGL and 99.1 Joy FM – Compassion International (sponsor a child and gift catalog) http://christmas.wbgl.org and www.joyfmonline.org
Compassion International’s Mission Statement: “Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name. In response to the Great Commission, Compassion International exists as an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults.” www.compassion.com

Youth In Need’s Mission Station: “To build on the strengths of children, youth and families so they find safety, hope and success in life.” www.youthinneed.org

98.1 Y98 – Toys for Tots (gift drive) http://y98.cbslocal.com/toys-for-tots-home/
Toys for Tots’ Mission Statement: “The mission of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.” www.toysfortots.org

Samaritan’s Purse International Relief - Operation Christmas Child (fill shoe boxes)
Samaritan's Purse’s Mission Statement: “Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ.” http://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/

*My experience with the act of kindness…My church and I participated in the "Christmas Angel Mission 2014" sponsored by Mission Gate Prison Ministry in St. Louis! "Christmas Angel Mission 2014 is designed to bless children of inmates and ex-offenders with gifts, the Gospel and an invitation to weekly Angel Club meetings. This is accomplished by giving gifts by means of a Christmas party held in St. Louis. A fellow-up ministry is then set in motion and continues all year long. Every Friday night these "little Angels" are invited to Mission Gate Bible instruction, singing, praying and good old fashioned fun, food and fellowship." This year, I chose a four year old boy to give gifts too! I also participated in "Christmas Child" at my work and helped buy gifts for a 6 month old baby girl who is in a foster home!

  There can be so much kindness and love shown when we do not focus on our own wish lists this Christmas and instead participate in helping give gifts to a child in need or to a child that is not expecting a gift from us! Some people might ask "why give gifts this Christmas to some one outside your family and friends?" The answer is more than just showing kindness and love! I hope that through this act of kindness we can help also direct other people's focus on Jesus being the reason for the Christmas season! God's greatest gift to us, Jesus, was born on Christmas day so that later He could die to save His people and give them eternal life! What a marvelous gift...now we should freely give!!

Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #22!!

"Thanksgiving after all, is a word of action!"

Happy Thanksgiving week! The intentional act of kindness this week goes along with the Thanksgiving holiday, of course, but I encourage you continue it even after Thanksgiving!

Have you heard the phrase, “better late than never”?! Well that describes me right now…this week I wrote out “thank you” notes for my October 18th birthday. The notes did not just include thanks to the individual for the presents I received from them but also thanks to God for the blessing of having them in my life as well! Yes, those notes are five weeks late so I currently really like the phrase, “better late than never”! Have the recipients of these notes noticed that I have not written them one yet? Probably not…but the point is that I truly believe there is power/kindness when people take the time and effort to go out of their way to say “thank you”.

*The act of kindness this week...show kindness by continuously going out of your way to express thanks to the people around you or to someone who you have not talked to in a while so that you can live a life of thanksgiving!!

*My experience with the act of kindness… I am not going to share my specific experiences with this because it could possibly be one of you reading this blog post. Instead, I am going to take this wonderful opportunity to share something even greater than continuously thanking other people, which is continuously thanking God! I included parts of two devotions from “She Reads Truth” below that communicates giving thanks to God in sorrow and plenty!

Text: Psalm 31:1-24, Psalm 34:18, Psalm 56:8
“If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there; if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.” - Psalm 34:18, The Message
Sometimes, I feel like God is asking me to put a mute on my feelings. When His Word says to be thankful in every situation, I find myself thinking, Even in this? In grief, in fear, in sorrow? You can’t possibly mean in this….God doesn’t ask us to silence our sorrow in favor of thanksgiving. Rather, He uses our sorrow to proclaim a type of thanksgiving we wouldn’t be able to express otherwise….Thanksgiving doesn’t devour your sorrow, but it acknowledges the Glory that will. The thanks be to Him who says our sorrows will be worth it. The giving of our souls to say that, even if our earthly hopes have been deferred, our eternal hope will never be lost. When you think you’ll never again be able to sing a song of thanksgiving, try it anyway. Our hearts may not be comfortable praising tragedy, loss, or bad days, but our hearts were created to praise the Hope of Glory.

Text: Psalm 23:1-6, Psalm 105:1-5, 1 Chronicles 29:10-13
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. - Psalm 25:5a
It seems so simple—give thanks in plenty. That’s what those cornucopia centerpieces are all about, right? We’ve been talking for a week about sorrow and injustice and stress and suffering. “Plenty” we can handle…Literal plenty makes a whole lot of sense to me—to all of us. We know it when we see it. We slap a “hashtag blessed” on the gifts we’ve been given, knowing full well Who that Giver is. But I just can’t imagine that’s where we ought to land today. I don’t think that’s it. Friends, plenty is oh-so-much-more than moments and mail and meatloaf. “Plenty” does not equal prosperity, just as “want” does not equal poverty. Our circumstances are not situated on a sliding scale from famine to abundance, and we would be sorely mistaken to allow our “thanks” to take a ride on that hypothetical scale. For the believer, plenty and want are both constant states of being. Yes, we all have real, felt needs. And we have noticeable, tangible blessings. But beyond the surface—in light of eternity—our constant state is a want of grace, and God is our constant and plentiful supplier. HE is our plenty. Our overflowing cups have absolutely nothing to do with bank accounts or people or horn-shaped centerpieces. They do not overflow with success and they do not empty with failure. Our cups overflow with the grace and mercy of an Everlasting God—they overflow because there is always more than we can ask or imagine. THIS is our plenty. Wherever we find ourselves on the worldly poverty-to-prosperity scale, let us see ourselves in constant want of His grace and ever in possession of an overflowing cup of mercy from an all-sufficient God. And let us give thanks.

One thing that I have been so grateful for this past month is the encouragement, insight, advice and wisdom from others on not just being thankful in the month of November but living a life of thanksgiving! Thanksgiving should not just be a one day event to express your thanks and gratitude. Thanksgiving needs to be a condition of the heart! Let us strive from here on out to live a LIFE of thanksgiving!

Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #21!!

“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” James Matthew Barrie

  “I’m so hungry I could eat…a whole elephant!” My siblings and I grew up watching 101 Dalmatians and using this line to our parents in a joking way! I am so grateful that there has not been a day in my past 27 years of life that I was truly “so hungry”. Thanksgiving is right around the corner where the normal is to have a huge meal (or two) with your family. We all know that we have plenty to eat every single day. I have to be honest also that I cringe now when I hear someone say, “I am starving”. There truly are hungry people in our world and even right around us. Being aware of this fact should make us think before we speak about our hunger, and I hope it also encourages us to do something to help those who are truly hungry!

*The act of kindness this week...show kindness by supporting a food drive to help feed the hungry!! 

  I still remember when I was a little girl going to my older brother Josh’s boy scout meetings since one of my parent’s was still at work or had something else scheduled so my sister and I were unable to stay home and had to tag along. I also remember going to Josh’s Pinewood Derby’s where he raced a little wood car that he and Dad made together! My brother did not become an Eagle Scout, but I personally know some boys in my church who are currently in boy scouts. I also attended an Eagle Scout ceremony last year for a friend at church!

  “The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation's largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness. For over a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes — and, through over a century of experience, knows — that helping youth is a key to building a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.” www.scouting.org

*My experience with the act of kindness….There are several local food drives and ways to help feed the hungry in America and in other countries as well. “Scouting for Food” is the food drive that I would like to share with you today! November 15, 2014 marked the 30th year that Boy Scouts of America scouted for food! It is the largest single-day community food drive in the St. Louis area. On November 8, my husband and I received a plastic bag on our front door with the details of the food drive. We have received and participated in this food drive each year since living in our home! Some people probably go out and buy canned goods, but we like to clean out our pantry instead! We planned to use the canned goods, but we want to gladly share the food that we bought for ourselves also!

  Here is a little background on the food drive: “Scouting for Food is the largest one-day food drive in the St. Louis region. Started in 1985 by the Greater St. Louis Area Council, Scouting for Food has expanded to other councils across the country. More than 30,000 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers annually help the needy as they collect approximately 2 million cans of food during the Scouting for Food drive. The Greater St. Louis Area Council has collected more than 49 million cans of food during the 29-year history of the drive. Items collected serve approximately 500 pantries within the Greater St. Louis Area Council, which includes the St. Louis metropolitan area, southeastern Missouri, and southern Illinois. Scouts in the St. Louis area take donations to fire stations where Scout leaders sort and box the food. Sunset Transportation Inc. of Sunset Hills provides vehicles, equipment, volunteer drivers and solicit the assistance of additional volunteers from trucking companies. Sunset Transportation coordinates all logistics for the food collection, which involves transporting boxed food from more than 40 area fire stations to the St. Louis Area Food Bank. The Food Bank distributes the canned goods to more than 500 area food pantries throughout eastern Missouri and southwest Illinois.” http://stlbsa.org/activities/events/scouting-for-food/

  Here are the results of the food drive this year: “Thousands of Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts performed a good turn for the needy Saturday when they gathered 1,811,354 food items during the 30th annual Scouting For Food drive. After distributing over one million bags to residents last weekend, 30,000 Scouts, leaders, parents and volunteers returned today to collect the bags filled with canned and non-perishable food items. Food in the St. Louis area was taken to local fire stations, where donations were sorted and boxed. Sunset Transportation, Inc. of Sunset Hills provided vehicles, drivers and equipment to transport the boxed food to the St. Louis Area Foodbank. The Foodbank will distribute the canned and non-perishable food items through a network of more than 500 partner agencies In southeast Missouri and southern Illinois, Scouts take donations directly to local food pantries. Within 48 hours of the Scouts’ pick-up, the first donations are on food pantry shelves, ready to feed the hungry.“I am humbled each year by the generosity of our community,” said Ronald Green, Scout Executive/CEO of the Greater St. Louis Area Council. “The incredible amount of food donated today will provide many needy people with food for months to come. We are very thankful to all who donated to Scouting For Food.” http://stlbsa.org/blog/2014/11/15/scouting-food-collection-day-set-saturday/

  Scouting for Food gathered 1.8 million food items to help feed the hungry! Praise the Lord! This is one of those intentional acts of kindness where you might not be able to do a lot by yourself, but teamwork makes a huge difference…you just need to do your part!!

Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #1-#20 Outline!!

   Six months and one day ago I wrote and published the “Act of Kindness – Week #1” blog! I am very thankful that God placed on my heart the desire to find new ways to intentionally show kindness and love to strangers and those around me and then blog about it to encourage you all to do the same! The past six months has been full of blessings but also some heartache as well. During the good times and the not so good times, I am continually humbled to have these acts of kindness to help me focus more on other people and not my current circumstances.

   This week, I would like to recap the first twenty acts of kindness to help remind us that we can make these part of our lives and not just a one-time thing. I have included the link to each blog as well in case you want to read the whole post!

April 29, 2014 – “I would like to start a new journey to intentionally spread love and show kindness once a week in a way that is not in my normal routine! I am not sure how long I will do this, but I do know that God has lead me to realize that showing His love through acts of kindness is what He wants me to do right now! These acts of kindness can be simple or complex, ordinary or unique, cost some money or be free and can be done to a loved one, friend or even to a stranger! Would you like to join me?! I hope the acts of kindness that I do each week are contagious and that other people will start carrying them out too! The goal is for me to blog at the beginning of each week a new act of kindness and my experience with doing it. I encourage you to then in the coming week also carry out the same act of kindness! You can also comment below each blog and share your own experiences with the acts of kindness. Lets make going out of our way to show love and kindness a habit each week! Lets make it intentional and not random! Lets make spreading love and showing kindness contagious…man, what would a world full of love and kindness be like?!!” http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/04/let-love-overflowin-our-kindness-to_9733.html

1) The act of kindness this week…the next time you go grocery shopping, show kindness by starting and encouraging a meaningful conversation with the cashier the whole time you are there!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/05/act-of-kindness-week-1.html

2) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by personally expressing gratitude to one of our everyday heroes (military, police, fire, emergency service workers etc)!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/05/act-of-kindness-week-2.html

3) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by helping animals find their forever home which could bring countless years of happiness and love to the adopted animal and to someone else!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/05/act-of-kindness-week-3.html

4) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by helping someone make memories that can last a lifetime (and possibly even longer through photos)!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/06/act-of-kindness-week-4.html

5) The act of kindness this week…while paying for your food order at a restaurant’s drive thru, show kindness by paying for the person’s order in the vehicle behind you!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/06/act-of-kindness-week-5.html

6) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by finding a food item that has been in your pantry for a while and use it to brighten a stranger’s day!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/06/act-of-kindness-week-6.html

7) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by placing coupons around a store in front of the item the coupon is for so that the next customer looking for that item will find the coupon and use it!!  http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/06/act-of-kindness-week-7.html 

8) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by sending a “thank you” in the mail to someone currently serving and protecting our country in the armed forces!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/07/act-of-kindness-week-8.html

9) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by stopping what  you are doing, asking someone “how are you?” and then giving them your full attention as you listen to their response!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/07/act-of-kindness-week-9.html

10) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by anonymously leaving encouraging notes in a public place for a stranger to find!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/07/act-of-kindness-week-10.html

11) The act of kindness this week…show kindness to a server at a restaurant by putting your plates and trash etc. in one neat pile on the table after you finish eating!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/08/act-of-kindness-week-11.html

12) The act of kindness this week…show kindness to a stranger by leaving an uplifting note in the Bible in a hotel room as you check out and leave a hotel!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/08/act-of-kindness-week-12.html

13) The act of kindness…show kindness by helping a community during/after a devastating situation. If you live away: pray, intentionally find the helpers and share the good being done to uplift and encourage other people!!http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/08/act-of-kindness-week-13_19.html

14) The act of kindness this week…show kindness to someone you know who has entered a new stage in life or is overwhelmed by communicating to them that you honestly want to be there for them and be specific in suggesting ways that you can help!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/08/act-of-kindness-week-14.html

15) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by complimenting people and be specific on why you are giving the compliment!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/09/act-of-kindness-week-15.html

16) The act of kindness this week...show kindness by finding an organization that you agree with their mission/work and then support them (financial support, volunteering your time, telling others about it and encouraging them to support it as well etc)!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/09/act-of-kindness-week-16.html

17) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by writing a heartfelt handwritten note to someone that you know could use some encouragement!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/09/act-of-kindness-week-17.html 

18) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by pushing a grocery chart inside to use during shopping inside of using a grocery chart that is already inside the store!! http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/10/act-of-kindness-week-18.html

19) The act of kindness this week…show kindness by paying for a stranger’s meal at a restaurant!!http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/10/act-of-kindness-week-19.html

20) The act of kindness this week...show kindness by being an intentional courteous driver!!http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/10/act-of-kindness-week-20.html

October 23, 2014- “Let me add some side notes quickly and then bring it back to this current blog post!...When I first started thinking of and doing a new intentional act of kindness each week and then blogging about it to encourage other people to do the same, I got asked by several people how I came up with the idea or what lead me to starting this “Let Love Overflow” blog. There were many reasons (see the first two blog posts from April 2014 if you are interested) but one of the main reasons was because I was noticing more and more that it is so easy to be focused on only your day and your schedule and barely notice, if notice at all, the people who you come into contact with each day.” http://letloveoverflow.blogspot.com/2014/10/act-of-kindness-week-19.html

   My last thought this week…I am not looking for recognition or praise for the acts of kindness/blogging about it, but I strive to show God’s kindness and love through me to other people with a humble heart!

As always…please comment below with your own experiences with these acts of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #20!!

“Life is an exciting business, and it is most exciting when it is lived for others.” Helen Keller

   A couple weeks ago, I was driving home after an emotionally exhausting day and looked into my rear view mirror to see police lights right behind me. The day had finally come…after almost 11 years of driving, I got pulled over for the first time for speeding. Yes, I cried (it did not take much to get the tears flowing after an emotionally hard day), and I had to ask the police officer to repeat what documents he needed because I had never been pulled over before. To my surprise, the police officer congratulated me for almost getting to 27 years old with not being pulled over. I am very thankful for a nice police officer and that my first experience of being pulled over for speeding ended with only getting a warning!

   Fast forward a couple weeks to another driving incident! I came up to a stop light and there were construction guys directing traffic. I waited a good five minutes and when the construction guy still did not motion for me to go…I looked to my right and saw no reason why I was just sitting there so I started to turn and the construction guy’s arms went flying all over the place, and he yelled at me pretty good too. I stopped, mouthed the words “I’m sorry” and waited for about another five minutes until he motioned me to finally go. Now during this time of waiting, my Mom made a comment that I sometimes am impatient when driving, and I must get that from my Dad. It was just one of those days when I wanted to get home. I admit though, I should have been more patient!

  The below picture does not really relate to either of these two stories about driving, but I sure thought it was funny since it is so true!! 

   These two driving experiences in the past couple weeks have helped me think of the next intentional act of kindness!! 

*The act of kindness this week...show kindness by being an intentional courteous driver!!

*My experience with the act of kindness….This past week I have tried my best to be an intentional courteous driver! When another car and I stop about the same time at a stop sign, I motion for them to go first while I wait. When someone else has shown kindness to me by being a courteous driver, I give a big “thank you” wave back! I have also waved at other people passing by in their car or walking in front of my car. Most of them smile and wave back but some of them give me a puzzled look because I think they were trying to figure out if they knew me or not. And finally, I have started to randomly pick a car coming the other direction on the road, look at the person for a quick moment as they pass me and then pray for them while I continue to drive! Showing kindness to strangers while driving makes driving long distances more enjoyable! Another big tip about making showing kindness while driving easier is to leave a little earlier than normal, this way you are not in a hurry to get somewhere and you have some time to show kindness to other drivers and notice them more!!

   I also came across the above quote this week. I pictured someone driving down a road and getting to the end of it. They have to choose either to turn left or right...they have to choose which direction their life will take. Let's choose the direction that includes intentionally showing kindness!!

Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #19!!

“…It is more blessed to give than to receive!” Acts 20:35

      October 18th, 2014 was a beautiful start to the 27th year of my life! I have always really liked my birthday and still get excited about it like a little kid! (I pray that I can celebrate each birthday with a smile on my face because it is a blessing to start another year of life! I do not want to ever complain about turning a certain age because some people are not given a long life.) My Husband and family are awesome about celebrating my birthday each year with me also! My birthday was on a Saturday this year (won’t be on a Saturday again until 2025) so I did not take off work like I usually do. The other great thing about a Saturday birthday is that the other people in your family are typically not in school or at work…so I am happy to say that my birthday ended up being basically a whole day celebration! I chose lunch at Josephine’s Tea Room, explored and walked around Fort Belle Fontaine in Missouri, Mom made one of my favorite’s for dinner (chili), enjoyed a fire pit in the backyard and then of course had ice cream cake and presents! I really enjoyed the day full of time with my Husband, immediate family and puppy dog!

    Let me add some side notes quickly and then bring it back to this current blog post!...When I first started thinking of and doing a new intentional act of kindness each week and then blogging about it to encourage other people to do the same, I got asked by several people how I came up with the idea or what lead me to starting this “Let Love Overflow” blog. There were many reasons (see the first two blog posts from April 2014 if you are interested) but one of the main reasons was because I was noticing more and more that it is so easy to be focused on only your day and your schedule and barely notice, if notice at all, the people who you come into contact with each day. Now in my opinion, it is totally fine for a special day or special event to be centered on the person or the people an event is honoring! It is great for a wedding day to be all about the bride and groom, a baby shower to be all about the mommy-to-be and a birthday to be all about the birthday boy or girl! With truly believing that though, my 27th birthday was maybe one of my best birthdays yet because I intentionally took action on my special day to show kindness to two complete strangers!

*The act of kindness this week…show kindness by paying for a stranger’s meal at a restaurant!!

*My experience with the act of kindness….The Act of Kindness – Week # 5 was paying for the car’s order behind you in a drive thru, but I wanted to pay for a stranger’s meal at an actual sit down and order restaurant! My birthday was a great day to do so for the first time! I also recently have purchased a personalized stamp (thank you, Mary!) that stamps “Acts of Kindness”! I made a card like the picture below the morning of my birthday in anticipation for this new intentional act of kindness!

     My Husband, Dad, Mom and I then went to have lunch at Josephine’s Tea Room to start off my birthday! It was a very full restaurant, and I am thankful we were seated towards the back because I was able to quickly glance around to find a table who already had their food! I noticed two ladies eating at a table for two alongside the wall and decided they were the ones! After our waitress took our drink order, I handed her the homemade card and my credit card and filled her in on what I wanted to do. She helped find the correct waitress for the table I described and it all went smoothly! I was asked if I knew the ladies and when I responded “no”, I could tell it took our waitress a little by surprise. I explained a little to her about how I just want to show kindness!

     Later on, I met the waitress for the ladies’ table since I had to sign the credit card slip. She shared some with me about how showing kindness does not just have an effect on the person who is receiving it but the person who is giving it too! I could not agree more! And lastly, a met a third waitress during my meal because she was asking if I had more of the homemade cards since only one of the ladies could take the card home that I made. I have learned my lesson...next time I will make several homemade cards just in case!

     It is my prayer  that my homemade note and paying for the ladies’ meals showed kindness and love and that the three waitresses that I talked too also are now encouraged to show kindness and love to the people they come into contact with at the restaurant and to strangers anywhere they go as well!!

Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #18!!

“Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out!”

   Hello and happy October (my favorite month of the year)! It was been a couple weeks since I have updated my blog with a new act of kindness idea and encouraged you all to show kindness in the same way! The reason my down time has been more occupied is because I have started a side business of photography! Capturing special moments and memories on camera has been one of my favorite things ever since I owned a camera and now I get to share it with others! I am thankful that I can share the gifts and talents God has given me and it is my hope that down the road doors will open for me to be able to also do photography as a service project for organizations or mission trips etc!

   The past couple weeks, I have not shared a new act of kindness through this blog but that does not mean that I have not been showing God’s love and kindness to the people I know and to strangers that I have come into contact with! It has been fun to do several of the acts of kindness again that I have done and written about on here since May! This has also made me realize that maybe we could all use a recap of the past acts of kindness SO next month I will blog listing the first 20 acts of kindness and a little about each! It is my prayer that love and kindness becomes contagious and keeps spreading, spreading and spreading!!

*The act of kindness this week…show kindness by pushing a grocery chart inside to use during shopping inside of using a grocery chart that is already inside the store!!

   Your first thought when reading the act of kindness for the week might be…“but it is someone’s job, who is getting paid, to push the grocery carts back into the store!” If that entered your mind let me first tell you that you are not alone. I had that very same thought but then realized that we do not purposely leave messes at work for a janitor to clean up because “that is his/her job” etc so if we do not purposely do something to give someone more work why can’t we intentionally do something to help somoene have less work and show kindness at the same time?!

*My experience with the act of kindness…My wonderful husband, Blake, whom I have been so blessed to be married to for almost 3.5 years now helped me come up with this new intentional act of kindness! One of the great things about it is that he did not even realize he was doing it! Blake and I went grocery shopping together one afternoon  and as we were walking into the store, he grabbed a cart from the cart holder and strolled it right into the store like it was something he was in the habit of doing! I usually do the grocery shopping but there have been several times we have gone together during our marriage and this was the first time I saw Blake do this! This was the first time, I believe, that I have seen anyone do this!! 

   I am sure we have all noticed before (or you will now) when the grocery carts have not been brought into the store recently and they are piled up in the cart holder like the above picture. How about being intentional to show kindness to some one that will never find out? What if several people who walked into the store picked a grocery cart from the cart holder?...that would surely make the really cold Illinois Winter months a little nicer for the workers who have to push grocery carts inside! Let’s be intentional about doing something to help a stranger have less work and show kindness at the same time!!

Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #17!!

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profundity. Kindness in giving creates love.”

   A couple weeks ago, the new intentional act of kindness that I wrote about was complimenting other people! Our words are so powerful, and we have been given the responsibility to speak love! This week, we are going to take it one step further though and not just speak love but encourage other people with written words!

*The act of kindness this week…show kindness by writing a heartfelt handwritten note to someone that you know could use some encouragement!!

   Life can be tough…there is sickness, relationship problems, unemployment, death, spiritual struggles etc etc etc. I believe that everyone can benefit from encouragement! I encourage you this week to intentionally write a heartfelt letter of encouragement! The body of the letter does not have to be long to be meaningful! A letter of encouragement will most likely leave the recipient of the letter feeling encouraged and even motivated to encounter whatever is next! Of course an email or text can have the same positive effect but there is just something more personable about a handwritten letter! A person can carry it around with them and read it at any time!

*My experience with the act of kindness…I try to do my best to send letters, cards, emails and texts to those I see going through a trial or those who have opened up to me about a struggle that they are currently facing. However, one of the reasons I chose this act of kindness this week is because of the countless people who have come along side of me during my life and encouraged me in several ways!  I am so thankful and grateful for you all! I have received letters, cards, texts, voice mails, face to face chats, phone calls, facebook messages, emails and even some smaller gifts! Your continued kindness and love means so much to me! It leaves me each time feeling so encouraged and stronger than before I read the uplifting words! Below are just a few different ways that I have received letters of encouragement from others in the past couple months! Each time I receive encouragement from someone else, it also reminds me to be more intentional about sharing this act of kindness with others in my life as well!

   For some of you, writing letters of encouragement might be a brand new thing! Do not feel overwhelmed by it, for I believe that we all agree that a short letter of encouragement is better than not doing anything! Better something than nothing, right?!! Below are a couple helpful guidelines on how to write an encouraging letter that I found online if you have not done it before! 

“How to Write an Encouragement Letter
Encouragement letters can have a very powerful effect on others. The perfect letter may express sincere support and inspire others to accomplish great things.
1)      When writing letters of encouragement, keep the tone positive, and focus on what has been or can be achieved.Your goal is to give hope or express how much you care.
2)      Encouragement is most needed after a disappointment or setback, and written encouragement can be very powerful in these circumstances. It gives the reader something to keep, share, and review.
3)      Demonstrate a tone of genuine appreciation in your encouragement letter.
4)      Be careful to avoid strong language that might discourage readers.
5)      Offer your reader help if assistance is appropriate and genuinely available.
A good time to encourage your reader is after he or she has successfully completed a task. The written word has a motivational power that casual comments do not have, and a positive letter can motivate the reader to even higher standards of excellence.”

   “While you may not be able to fix someone's circumstances, your encouragement can be instrumental in changing their perspective. Ultimately, a person's perspective controls the way they feel and react to situations. There are many uplifting words you can share, but God's words are "life to those that find them and they heal the whole body." (Proverbs 4:22)”

  Let me leave you with one more very important fact...our greatest love letter and letter of encouragement is from our Heavenly Father which is found in the Bible! Sharing His letter of love and encouragement with other people is very important as well!!

p.s. Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #16!!

“Everyone agrees you are pronounced dead when your heart stops beating…why does not everyone agree that you are alive when your heart starts beating?”

   Two blog posts ago I wrote about babies and how to show kindness to new Mommy and Daddys once their baby is born! Once again, this blog is going to be a lot about babies (it is the season of life I am in!), so here we go! My church and I support a non-profit organization called “Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers”! Mosaic PHC’s website is: http://www.supportmosaic.org/. Below is a little information about Mosaic and their mission and core values.

“Mosaic PHC never performs or refers for abortion. Our mission is to reveal truth about life in the womb, educate women about fetal development, provide free and confidential services such as pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and referrals and ultimately empower women to choose a life-affirming alternative to abortion.”

“Our Mission - Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers' mission is to reveal truth to our clients through the mosaic of life. 
Core Values - Our core values (TRUTH) are a set of unchanging ministry beliefs.
Treasuring Life - All human life absolutely valued
Deuteronomy 30:19 – “I call Heaven and Earth today as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live;”
Genesis 1:27 - “So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” 
Representing Christ - Perfect love personified
Colossians 1:10 – “that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;”
1 Peter 4:11 – “If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”
Upholding Integrity - Truth lived by example
Psalm 78:72 – “So he (David) shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands
Titus 2:7-8 – “In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.”
Transforming People - Lives changed by the Gospel
Isaiah 61:1 – “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;”
John 17:3 – “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
Having Faith - Mountains moved by Faith
Hebrews 11:6 – “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
Mark 9:23 – “Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.””

   Mosaic receives no government funding so their primary source of funding is through donors like you and me and partnerships with businesses and churches. They also do some fundraising events to raise money and that is where the new intentional act of kindness comes in this week!

*The act of kindness this week...show kindness by finding an organization that you agree with their mission/work and then support them (financial support, volunteering your time, telling others about it and encouraging them to support it as well etc)!!

   The Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers’ Walk for Life is this coming Saturday in three different locations near me! Those who participate in the walk are taking a visible stand for life! The website says those participating in the walk are: “…believing that lives will be changed and babies will be saved from the darkness of abortion. Please know that you will be walking in honor of a baby's life – a life that now has hope because you cared! Each walker will receive a Be Bold! lanyard with an individual baby name to honor…”. Did you hear what they said…your caring (KINDNESS) gives HOPE to a baby’s life!!

*My experience with the act of kindness… There are a couple ways to show kindness and support Mosaic’ walk for life: donate, walk or support other walkers! Unfortunately, I am unable to walk this year for Mosaic’s walk for life (Lord willing, I plan to walk next year!), and I am so thankful for other people who are available and willing to walk! Two younger girls in my church, Emelia and Isabelle, will be participating in the walk for life this Saturday! They put together a website to encourage other people to walk and also for financial sponsorship. My Husband and I are so happy to be able to sponsor them to walk for life! Thank you, Emelia and Isabelle!!

   When supporting Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers, you are showing kindness to countless women and their unborn precious baby! The prayer also is that through the kindness of donors, the volunteers and the workers at Mosaic, all the people walking through Mosaic’s doors will leave seeing the kindness of so many and Christ’s love, kindness, mercy and grace as well!

p.s. Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #15!!

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around!”

  Remember the song you sang growing up, “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me”? The older I got the more I realize that song was NOT true! Words are powerful and can do more than just convey information. Have you also realized that words are a unique and powerful gift from God? Humans are the only beings on the planet who God has given the ability to communicate with spoken words. What do we do with this exclusive gift from God? Our words have the power to destroy and the power to build up (Proverbs 12:6)!

  Please read the truthful lyrics to Hawk Nelson’s song, “Words”: “Words can build you up. Words can break you down. Start a fire in your heart or put it out. Let my words be life. Let my words be truth. I don't wanna say a word. Unless it points the world back to You (God)!”

  Spoken words can break us down, but they can also build us up! A verbal compliment was one of the first things that came to my mind when thinking of a new intentional act of kindness dealing with spoken words! We should not care what people think, but you have to admit that a compliment can really perk up any day...especially if your day is not going well!

*The act of kindness this week…show kindness by complimenting people and be specific on why you are giving the compliment!!

  It can be difficult at first and take some courage to give a compliment when you see something that is worth complimenting. We all want our compliments to be well received and not misunderstood. I have been doing some reading on giving verbal compliments. The main thing that I have learned is to be specific about why you are giving a compliment! First tell what you have observed and then give the compliment! If people hear the motivation before they are given praise, the compliment is better received! Example- If you say, “I like your blog”. You may hear that person answer with words that basically are along the lines of “oh, it’s nothing”. It is sometimes hard for people to accept compliments so instead of saying “thank you”, they seem to want to respond to a compliment in a way that almost lowers the compliment. Let us be specific with why we are giving a compliment first and then second to verbalize the compliment…“Your blog encourages and uplifts me. I like your blog”.

*My experience with the act of kindness… I am not going to share my experiences specifically in case those wonderful people that I have complimented are reading this! I was intentional about complimenting people I know and also a couple strangers! I also concentrated on not only complimenting looks but also personalities, attitudes and decisions. In almost every case, people took the compliment with a big smile on their face and a “thank you”.

  Recently I got a new curling iron and have had several compliments on my hair! A special “thank you” to all of you who gave me those compliments! And what do you know…I learned something else important this week while giving and receiving this act of kindness! What I learned was that compliments my looks (hair, clothes etc) was only for that day (and maybe only a couple hours since the curls started falling). Someone else close to me recently complimented me on my work ethic and a different person complimented me on my walk with the Lord! The compliments that were focused on my personality, the way I am living my life and my decisions/choices in life have stayed with me every day since and have contained way more encouragement than a compliment about my hair looking nicely curled!

  Have you ever noticed something nice on someone or appreciated their attitude or how they dealt with something and just let the moment pass by without saying a word? I am encouraging you to verbally speak your compliments to others and not let them just cross through your mind!!

   Let us be intentionally to not be quick to criticize and lousy to compliment!!

p.s. Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Act of Kindness – Week #14!!

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." Psalm 139:13-16

   Babies, babies, babies!! I am in the stage of life where so many of my family and friends are having babies and especially their first baby! A friend of mine had her first baby girl a little over a week ago, my cousin had her second baby girl last week, two cousins of mine will be having their first baby girls in the next couple months and a friend of mine (whose baby shower I just helped as hostess at this weekend- see picture below) is due in October with her first baby girl! Wow…that’s a lot of baby GIRLS! I hope women out there are also having some baby boys or we might be in trouble in about 18 years!!

   I think we can all remember a time when life has been a bit overwhelming and someone has said to you, “Let me know if there’s anything I can do ” or “Call me if you need anything”. What a wonderful thing to hear but it leaves you wondering if the person really would help with anything or if it is just something that people say. I am sure some people are really serious when they say those words but maybe we on the receiving end are too timid to take them up on the offer or wonder what “anything” consists of.

   When you say to someone “Let me know if there’s anything I can do” or “Call me if your need anything”…you are throwing the ball into the person’s court who is overwhelmed and since that person is so overwhelmed, do you seriously think they will think of contacting you? I would say probably not because that takes more action on their part. Prayer is the most important thing we can do, but let us also verbally and physically help as well! This leads to the new act of kindness for this week! Let us be intentional to contact the people in our lives who are overwhelmed! When we contact them, let us intentionally not just let them know we are here to honestly help but also suggest ways we can and want to help! There are several times in a person’s life this can relate too…a new baby, packing and moving to a new home, after a surgery, during or after an illness in the family, after a death in the family etc.  

*The act of kindness this week…show kindness to someone you know who has entered a new stage in life or is overwhelmed by communicating to them that you honestly want to be there for them and be specific in suggesting ways that you can help!!

   Since there are so many new babies and soon to be new babies around me…I chose to concentrate on ways to show love to a new mommy and daddy!!

*My experience with the act of kindness…Our friends, Ryan and Kacie, officially became parents to their beautiful baby girl, Mercy on August 15th! Congratulations again!! Ryan and Kacie only live a couple blocks away from my Husband and I so we have helped pet sit several times for them over the past couple years. I volunteered us to help pet sit for free while they were in the hospital! After Kacie texted me the wonderful news that Mercy safely was born, I remaindered her that we were more than willing to pet sit, and they took us up on the offer while they were still in the hospital! My husband and I also wanted to do something for them when they arrived home. I texted Kacie to see if they were okay with us bringing them over dinner and dessert three nights after they returned from the hospital! It was a great way to meet baby Mercy and hold her while her Mommy and Daddy ate a homemade dinner ending with pink lemonade cookies! There seemed to be some left overs for them too! My Husband and I are continuing to pray for this new precious family of three also!!

   Maybe you live far away from new parents…once again, prayer is the most important but how about sending them a food gift card so that they can take a night off cooking and cleaning?!

Here are a couple more very helpful suggestions that I found on how to “love a new mom”:  http://semiproper.com/ways-to-help-a-new-mom/

“1) Be a helpline. If you want to help out a brand new mom and you’re a seasoned mom veteran, offer to let her call you at all hours of the night. I had Remmy only nine months before one of my friends had her baby, but I promised to keep my cell phone on my nightstand just in case she had any 3am freakouts and had a baby question. She probably only took me up on my offer a couple of times, but I was another line of defense (or reassurance) for her when the wee hours of the morning seem so lonely.

2) Round up some healthy meals. New moms are generally exhausted and wake up with that fresh I-just-got-ran-over-by-an-Isuzu-Rodeo feeling. While rich, comforting food DOES sound amazing, it will do nothing for her energy levels. Coordinating with a couple friends and taking turns doing something simple like cutting up a bunch of fresh fruit or mixing up granola and delivering it for breakfast is easy and will make this new mom forever grateful. Cause, you know, it’s easier for a new mom to throw a Pop Tart in the toaster oven than it is to attack a whole pineapple with a machete.

3) Kidnap her kiddies. Uh.  Not the new one. The other one(s), if she’s got them. And get them out of the dang house. Give Mom a morning where it’s just her and the new baby, and give the kiddies a morning where they can run around somewhere else and not have to patiently wait through yet another breastfeeding or diaper session. YOU WILL MAKE THE WHOLE FAMILY HAPPY. 

4) Clean, if you’re close. If you’re close pals, like…you’ve seen the state of each other’s kitchens after a weekend the stomach bug hit the house… then yes, offer to help clean. “I’m coming over to clean your bathroom” or “I’m coming over to clean out your fridge” or “I’m coming over to wash, dry, fold, and put away an entire load of laundry for you” are all totally wonderful things to say to a friend. But if you’re not super close, spare her that offer. She’ll end up stressing out and trying to clean BEFORE you get there.

5) Or, send someone to clean. Find a reputable professional cleaning service and pay for a one-time cleaning.

6) Run a couple of errands. Return those baby gifts to the store, bring back the library books, drop off the Redbox rental, fill up her gas tank.  Teeny things that may seem overwhelming to a new mom.

7) Rock that screaming baby. Sometimes she needs a break from her sweet newborn, especially if her newborn seems to be prone to crying jags. After the baby is fed, have her take off her shirt and throw it over your shoulder (her scent comforts baby). Send her into the shower (where she can’t hear and get some much-needed alone time) while you rock the baby for her.

8) Want to help but you’re far away or have your own crew to take care of? Sometimes I simply cannot make the time investment to help another mom, but I want to do something to show her I love her and appreciate her. When you can’t be there, how about: 1) sending her a gift card to a restaurant in her area so she can order take-out, 2) buying a couple of healthy and tasty snacks/drinks online and having them sent to her house, 3) sending a pack of diapers to her house. When she texts you to say thank you, respond with: Don’t you dare send me a thank you card. You’ve got enough junk to do. 

9) Help her get out of the house. Moms (and their kids) can get cabin fever, but the thought of leaving the house seems daunting. Pick a morning and tell her you’ll meet her at her home to help her pack up the kid(s). Something as simple as being an extra set of hands while she pushes around a stroller at Target can do wonders for her.

10) Sleep on her couch.  This one helps out Dad, too. Tell her you’ll swing by around 8:00pm and stay til midnight. Once she gets the baby down, send the parents to bed and tell them to sleep. You hang out on their couch, eat Cheetos, fold laundry, etc.  When the baby cries, give her a bottle (or gently wake your pal up for a nursing session). Let Mom go back to bed while you change the diaper and hang out with the baby or rock her back to sleep. The parents get a solid four hours of sleep and maybe a clean living room, and you get all the Cheetos you want.”

   In conclusion, let us be honest when we speak and not just say words that you think people want to hear. Let us be intentional about helping the people we know are in a new stage of life or are in an overwhelming situation by continuing to express to them we are here for them and also by offering specifics on how we can help! Please do not stop there…put your words and suggestions into action!!

p.s. Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness or other suggestions! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!