"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life!"

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Act of Kindness – Week #28!!

“I truly believe that the little things can make life so much more beautiful!”

   My two year phone contract is almost up which means next month I will be getting a new phone! Yeah! I always get excited to upgrade my phone and learn the new features etc! Now that I have had a smart phone for the past couple years, I cannot imagine going back because of all that it is able to do and that I use it for!

   However, my biggest problem with cell phones, especially smart phones, is that they make it too convenient to communicate with people in a way that you will never hear their voice.  Do not get me wrong, texting is one of my favorite things because it is so quick, convenient and can put an instant smile on someone’s face. Access to my email and Facebook are also a wonderful feature on my phone since it allows me to access my social life anywhere I go!

   I want to encourage us all, though, to not get wrapped up in a culture that is communicating more and more only through electronics. The picture below helps explain this.

*The act of kindness this week…show kindness by calling and talking to someone who you have not talked to in a while!!

*My experience with the act of kindness…This week, I called a family friend that I have not spoken to in a while! It was great to catch up real quick, and she mentioned a couple times how nice it was to hear from me! I am really glad I made the call! 

  I have always enjoyed talking on the phone and catching up with loved ones! I am not saying that I have this all down perfectly though. I know I still need to work on this too! There are several people that I want to start calling or call more often! My act of kindness blogs are just as much an encouragement to you all as they are to me!

   If you do not like to talk on the phone, which is understandable, but please consider making a quick phone call to your Mom/Dad/Brother/Sister/Grandparent/Cousin/Friend and simply say, “I love you” or “I miss you!” There is just something more personable and special about hearing a loved one’s voice! I guarantee it will make their day, and maybe their week!

   God has blessed many of us with a voice! Let us intentionally show kindness to someone in our life by verbal communication!

P.s. Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Act of Kindness – Week #27!!

“Remember there is no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”

   When I was growing up in the 90's, I remember having handwriting and cursive classes in school! We also learned how to write, address and send letters through the mail. I did not have my first typing class until 6th grade. I hear now that grade schools do not have handwriting classes any longer and even have each student take a laptop home each night to do their homework. It is a good thing for schools to be trying to get away from using so much paper…but how times have surely changed just in the short 27 years of my life!

   The United States Post Office seems to be getting less and less business as my generation gets older and younger generations emerge. It is most likely because people are starting to prefer to communicate through social media, email or by sending e-cards. It might just be rumors, but I have heard that the post office could start being closed on Saturdays or even eventually close altogether. That is sad! I am a fan of the post office and snail mail! I like to send cards in the mail for birthdays and special occasions, and I send a majority of my annual Christmas cards out through the post office each December. With all that being said, there are always stamps at our home ready to be used!

*The act of kindness this week…show kindness by intentionally leaving stamps at the post office for other people to find and use!!

*My experience with the act of kindness…I used my “Acts of Kindness” stamp, wrote out a little note and took some stamps to work with me one day. After work, I intentionally went to the post office to partake in this act of kindness! The post office was already closed for the day, but people are still able to go inside to use the postage machine or drop their mail in a slot to be mailed out the next morning. I left the three items on the table in the post office that is designated for addressing envelopes!

   It is enjoyable and rewarding when we see someone’s reaction when we show love and kindness to them! It is also exciting, though, to show kindness to strangers whom we will never meet and will not see their reaction to an act of kindness! I hope that this act of kindness brightened someone’s day at the post office and that they passed on kindness as well!!

P.s. Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!