"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life!"

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Act of Kindness – Week #26!!

“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference!”

  My last three blog entries shared new ideas for acts of kindness that involved spending some money. It is a great to spend money helping other people, but showing kindness does not always involve money! I have written several blog posts already with act of kindness ideas that are completely free but could be life changing to the people you intentionally show love and kindness too! This week’s act of kindness will only involve your time and intentional actions…no money!

  January is a very full month for my accounting department and I at work! I am a senior accountant and in January I am working on December month end, year end and preparing for auditors. A couple years ago, we had a change in employees which resulted in me having to do two people’s jobs in our department during the month of January…I am very thankful for my co-workers help during our “busy season” this year!   

  I assume that a lot of people’s jobs, like mine, have days or months that are more hectic than others. I also assume that a lot people are very thankful when other people help, especially during those more hectic days! What if during our normal weekly shopping trips, we could do little acts of kindness while in a store that would help the workers and make their day a little easier?!

*The act of kindness this week…show kindness in a store by putting items back in their proper spot or re-stacking items that are messed up etc!!

*My experience with the act of kindness…There were a couple different ways in the past couple weeks that I intentionally showed kindness while in a store! Let me give you two examples! A couple weeks ago I was clothes shopping and only a couple items worked after trying them on in the dressing room. Most people take the time to re-hang the clothes on the hangers, carry them out to the front of the dressing rooms and put the clothes on a rack. This is great but then someone still has to put all the clothes back in the proper spot. To intentionally show kindness, I took it all a step further. I carried the clothes back out into the women’s department and placed them back on the original rack. After all, where I got the clothes from was still fresh in my mind and most likely the worker might have had to spend a little time figuring out where each piece of clothing went.

  Another example of intentionally carrying out this act of kindness was when I was recently grocery shopping, and I had picked up an item early in my shopping. When I got towards the end of the store though, I found a better item. Instead of taking the original item out of my cart and placing it randomly somewhere in the store, I walked back to the original spot in the grocery store and placed the item back! No one had to “clean up” after me this way!

  Another way that I have thought about is when you are shopping at the mall and looking for the right size through shirts that are folded and laying on a table, make sure to refold them and nicely stack the pile once you are done. I have seen several employees over the years fold a pile of shirts and the next minute someone messes them up and then the employee is right back to folding the same pile. 

Intentional acts of kindness that are completely free can make a difference in someone’s life!!

P.s. Please comment below with your own experience with this act of kindness! I would really enjoy hearing about it!!


  1. I must confess I usually dont do those things. I will do better!

  2. Good ways to show kindness while shopping, Ang!

  3. It is not habit for me either! I had to think about putting the items back! Being intentional about showing kindness is what it is all about!!

    I was also at the post office today and put back some envelopes that I wasn't going to use and the lady behind the counter thanked me for putting them back!!
